Designing security and privacy for smart living in connected homes.
» See also the Smart Energy Management and Security (SEMS) project, which is a continuation of the research carried out in the iSMASH project.
Many homes are currently becoming “smarter” by using Internet of Things (IoT) technology to improve home security, energy efficiency and comfort. At the same time, enforcing privacy in IoT environments has been identified as one of the main barriers for realizing the vision of the smart home. To address this challenge, the purpose of iSMASH is to design a comprehensive security and privacy model for IoT-intensive systems for smart homes.
Central model components are (a) methods supporting the evaluation of privacy risk exposure, (b) security design principles to enable control of the identified risk exposure, and (c) privacy-aware information management. However, these components are difficult to develop if there is no understanding of the information in flux of the smart home, which consequently points to the need for (d) information analysis and classification. As autonomous decision-making is already a prominent feature of some IoT solutions for the connected home, an interesting idea is also (e) the integration of security and privacy, at least partially, in these decision-making processes. In order to address these challenges, it is of course crucial to take into account the specific circumstances regarding both technology and user-interaction that form the smart home environment, i.e., both the user and the technology play central roles.
Project updates:
- Smart Home video: exploring what the iSMASH project investigates (Nov. 15, 2016)
- On IoT, Security and Privacy: transcription and audio from Andreas Jacobsson’s docent lecture (Jun. 14, 2016)
Application areas: Smart Living
Partners: Malmö University and Verisure
Project period: 2014-11-01 – 2017-10-31
Funding: The project is funded by the Knowledge Foundation within the Internet of Things and People Research Profile, Malmö University, and the business partners.
Contact: The project is coordinated by Andreas Jacobsson, IOTAP, Malmö University.
Learn more: Download extended project description for Intelligent Support for Privacy Management in Smart Homes.